Outdoor workstation
Closed until Spring.
May 31 to October 21
Esplanade (600), near Sherbrooke and Pie-IX
The Îlots d’été Network, powered by Aire commune, is a network of outdoor workspaces accessible for free during summer time across Montreal. The installations are specially designed to facilitate open air remote work and are strategically located in different Montreal neighbourhoods.
For more information, visit the Aire Commune Website.
- Closed until Spring.

How to get here?

Parking P1 located at 4545, Pierre-De Coubertin avenue. Parking P2 located at 4141, Pierre-De Coubertin avenue. Parking P3 located at 2727, Pie-IX boulevard.

Public transport
The Esplanade is located above the Pie-IX metro station, on the green line, and near the 97, 139 and 439 bus stop.
Calculate my journey :

Active transport
Bicycle access via the Rachel Street, Maisonneuve Park and Bennett Street bike paths. Bike racks are available a few meters from the entrance, as well as in the P2 parking lot. A BIXI station is located near the entrance.

Access for people withreduced mobility
The Esplanade is accessible to persons with limited mobility. Wheelchair accessible washroom facilities are located at the entrance to the administrative offices at 4141 Pierre-De Coubertin Avenue.